Peters Profile

Born in 1981 in the Midlands area of England, Peter was the youngest child within a family of five siblings. From his childhood and up into his 20s, Peter holds many memories of going along to various church services with his family. Having always held to “a belief in God” of sorts and after making many “professions of faith in Christ” as a child. Peter grew into his adult years with a somewhat nominal faith in Christ. In his young adult years, It soon became clear and apparent (although not as yet to Peter) that he was living under the deception of a false conversion and an empty “Christian” profession. Peter was very much still living for the things of this world, with his sin condition evidently deepening and spiritually enslaving him.  Although still attending church on and off with the occasional hangover, Peter was walking in complete ignorance and blindness of heart towards the Biblical Gospel of God’s Grace, which is found only in Jesus Christ (that was until November 2009, when the Lord was about to change everything).

Following a long chain of life events that God used to bring Peter to the end of himself, he finally received the True and Living Christ as his Lord and Saviour. Whilst sitting at home and trawling through Youtube videos for answers to life’s big questions, Peter began to listen to the ministry of Paul Washer (an American Itinerate preacher). On hearing the Gospel of God’s Grace found in Christ alone, Peter came under true (genuine) conviction of sin, was given ears and opportunity to hear and was fully converted unto the Lord, experiencing the new birth which was granted by God as he looked solely unto the work and person of Jesus Christ, his God and Saviour. Trusting in Christ’s atoning sacrifice for his sins on Calvaries cross, Peter had been saved and had received a new found love for Christ and His Word, the inward regenerating work of the Holy Spirit, deliverance from evil and a new, strong experienced reality of the fear of God and a relationship with Him as one of His dearly loved children.
Having God render this life transforming power in his life, Peter now immediately began to consider the plight of souls in this world. He began to see people through a completely different lens. Would it be heaven or would it be hell? Having experienced the salvation of God within his own life and with this new God-given passion for telling others this message of the Good News (which is the only message to save), Peter’s life in November 2009 was forever changed by Christ. His path was set in a completely new (Biblical) direction going forward. As Peter’s life, by God’s grace, took such a change in direction, he often refers to it as almost being catapulted by the Holy Spirit out to tell others of this Mighty Saviour, Jesus Christ, who is more than able and willing to save all those who would come to Him and believe on His name.

Shortly after Peter’s conversion, he met his now wife, helper and best friend Emma.
Emma and Peter currently have four young children together, live in the Midlands/Worcestershire area of the UK, and serve in full time ministry. A ministry which starts with a personal walk with the Lord, then into and flowing from the family home, then the Local Church and out into the surrounding world.
Peter enjoys spending time with his family and considers it a true blessing and privilege to be used by God to serve as a husband, a Father, and an elder within the Local Church. Both Emma and Peter share a common keen interest in Biblical evangelism and reaching the lost for Christ across the landscape of the UK.

Following Peters conversion, he started to attend a local church and prayerfully began to take the Good News of the Gospel out into his local community with some other likeminded Christians. In these early days, there was a season of great learning and the Lord, by His grace, affirmed both internally and through other church leaders the call of an evangelist placed upon Peter’s life.

By God’s grace, Peter also began a regular (weekly) evangelistic work in his local town and as the team began to grow throughout 2011-2012, Peter began to sense a more convinced call into full time evangelistic (including training and equipping other fellow believers to do the same), and perhaps Pastoral ministry, going forward, which he began to seek the Lord over.
In 2012, Peter was introduced to some like-minded brothers and now great friends from the United States (One:16 Bible Church & Jeremiah Cry Ministries) who would seasonally meet up for fellowship and to conduct evangelistic, open air ministry together in Scotland. Some of these friendships and connections have continued to form, and for many years now, new relationships have also been made with other Christians, evangelists and elders who have this like-minded passion for reaching the lost on the streets of the UK. The Lord has very much blessed Peter’s life with many Godly men and mentors in the faith and of these relationships/friendships, a number have since developed into a deeper foundation of working together in ministry. Namely, in that Peter is now currently serving as the leading elder and evangelist within the local Church (One:16 Bible Church, Midlands UK) in conjunction with the wider One:16 Bible Church fellowship and Jeremiah Cry Ministries.

In 2013-2014, Peter began training at the “Midlands Ministry Training College” (MMTC) in Birmingham UK.
Following this, by God’s Grace he entered into full-time Christian Ministry in 2015, serving as a City Missionary Evangelist for the Birmingham City Mission.
In 2017, Peter entered into full-time Church eldership, which subsequently lead to the work of “One:16 Bible Church Midlands” Church plant in January 2019. Peter is currently continuing to work in a part time capacity at the Birmingham City Mission, whilst having the great blessing and responsibility of serving the saints and shepherding the flock at One:16 Bible Church Midlands, by leading as an elder and in taking every available opportunity to head out into the highways and the hedges with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Peter still prayerfully maintains a strong passion and vision for training and equipping the saints in both his own local church body and amongst other evangelists and Christians/leaders across the UK – for the work of ministry in the Gospel and to see our Lord and King glorified in the proclamation of His Son upon the streets of the UK.           

The vision
Peter currently feels very privileged and humbled to be serving within the One:16 Bible Church Midlands, which is part of a wider international (mostly United States) fellowship of like-minded, evangelistic, Bible-based, Christ-centred, prayerful, reformed Baptist Churches (The One:16 Fellowship).
Peter also currently works alongside the ministry of “Jeremiah Cry Ministries”, which is serving as the evangelistic arm of the One:16 Church network.
The ethos of the One:16 Church fellowship would be to prayerfully see Biblical Churches raised up in obedience to Christ and His Great commission. To unashamedly, lovingly and prayerfully be “Going therefore” – In making disciples of all nations and seeing the Sheep of Christ cared for and fed with the True Words of Life (The Scriptures) and the Biblical Gospel.   
An overriding passion is to see Christians equipped in the work of ministry to which they have been called, and to see other Bible based, Christ-centred, evangelistic One:16 Churches Planted by elder qualified men, who have been called for such a time as this.

The Call

Since getting saved and experiencing the life transforming power (Dynamis) of the Gospel in 2009, Peter has been fully convinced concerning the power of God and the sufficiency of His Word to save all those that are His. No pragmatic gimmicks needed, no games and manipulation techniques. Just Spirit filled, Christ loving/obeying men and women, who have the unashamed confidence to go and tell others of the way of Salvation through Jesus Christ and His atoning Work of Calvaries cross.    
Peter has a strong desire to see other Saints raised up in this employ, that we may empty ourselves of ourselves and that it may please our Lord to fill us with His Holy Spirit, to lovingly and humbly Go and proclaim the Truth of God to a lost and dying generation.
Peter’s “vision” would be to see Bible believing, elder led, Christ-centred Churches prayerfully sending out evangelists into every major town and City across the UK. May it be that the Biblical Gospel would resonate loudly once again in this nation, both inside and outside the walls of our churches.
It was the powerful evangelist of the First Great Awakening George Whitfield who stated, “The Christian world is in a deep sleep, nothing but a loud Shout can awaken them out of it”.

May it be that the people of the UK are unable to even “pop to the shops” without hearing something of the Spirit empowered preaching of the Gospel of Salvation, only to be found in Christ.
Or perhaps in the more adequate words of the great Prince of Preachers, Charles Hadden Spurgeon.
“If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our dead bodies. And if they perish, let them perish with our arms wrapped about their knees, imploring them to stay. If Hell must be filled, let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let none go unwarned and unprayed for”.    

Will you join with Peter and others that he partners with in this Great Commission work, to reach the nation of the UK with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Oh that souls would have the opportunity to hear the Gospel and that God would be Glorified in the salvation of many?

Please would you consider joining us in prayer for this work HERE!

Every blessing in Christ to you all.

“There are only two types of people in missions, those who go down into the well or those who hold the rope for those who go down. Either way there should be scars on your hands”. Paul washer..


Partner with Peter in prayer and receive ministry updates, as by God's Grace the Gospel is taken to the streets of the UK.


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Jeremiah Cry, training and equiping ministry. To encourage and equip evangelists from across the UK.

Want to see more? Subscribe to my Youtube Channel!


A ministry which flows out of the local Church, operating under the accountability of a fellowship of Church elders (One:16 Bible Church Fellowship).


A ministry founded upon a Biblical foundation and the unashamed principle, of the public proclamation (open air preaching) of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


1st John 5:14 - This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.


Ephesians 6:13-14 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground,


Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.


2nd Corinthians 4:6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.

I typically reply to all email inquiries within 24 hours.